Please note: Listings on this page are either events organized by The International Focusing Institute (TIFI), or are offered independently by Certified Focusing Professionals. Those organized by TIFI will have one of TIFI’s logos.
Si querés redescubrir y escuchar esa voz interior y la sabiduría del cuerpo... te invito a conocer Focusing.
Qué es Focusing?
Es una forma de atención corporal que te permite ir más allá de los pensamientos , sentimientos y emociones conocidas, los mandatos, creencias y condicionamientos...para poder contactarte con lo más real y auténtico en vos y comenzar a dar esos pasos de cambio que hasta ahora no podías dar, contactarte con todo tu potencial y creatividad y llevar tu vida adelante.
Si ya sos un profesional en el ámbito de ayuda y querés profundizar en la escucha, en la exploración y en la congruencia tanto para tu ser profesional como para ofrecerlo a otros, estos encuentros también son para vos!
Vos elegís la modalidad. Podés optar por realizar la
This free online conversation is Part of the Focusing Roundtable series especially for TIFI members.
Using brief Gendlin quotes, this Roundtable will help us develop an explicit structural political consciousness. The goal of our hosts is to increase awareness of the political context in which we live, and to make sure our Focusing work is truly expressing our values as well as our needs.
An online, interactive workshop facilitated by Serge Prengel. This offering will be held in meeting format so that all participants will see the presenter and each other.
In this workshop, we will be: Exploring the pause as an embodied shift from mindless to mindful; Paying attention to the embodied quality of this pause through a simple stretching exercise where we pay attention to our inner experience, our felt sense, as our muscles gently engage and our body realigns; Observing what it means to engage, moment by moment; Exploring the feeling of being at the edge of noticing as if we are an outside witness and being a dancer who is influencing the dance, the kind of experience for which we do not have words that readily fit. Sharing the experience in a Focusing
This free online conversation is Part of the Focusing Roundtable series especially for TIFI members.
Using brief Gendlin quotes, this Roundtable will help us develop an explicit structural political consciousness. The goal of our hosts is to increase awareness of the political context in which we live, and to make sure our Focusing work is truly expressing our values as well as our needs.
Topic: Children, The Focusing Institute (TIFI) Events
The Pause | It's on the corner of Now & Notice, where that old dive "Reaction" used to be. First cup of calm or shot of ease is on the house!
Metaphors aside, The Pause is a drop-in, live, online focusing-oriented meditation class. It's a welcoming place of support and nurture, a place where your nervous system can rest, and a place where you get to cultivate and practice tuning in and noticing what it’s like to be you with friendly presence.
No long term commitment is required. Come once and give it a try! If you like it, come back every time, a couple times a week, or just when you can.
Use coupon "cupofcalm" to try your first class for free.
Join us for the 50th Weeklong! We are celebrating the history of this flagship event, and the first 40 years of the Institute. The Weeklong began in Chicago in 1979, and for about 10 years, there were 2 every year. In good Focusing fashion, the exact truth is a bit murky. Therefore, we are simply proclaiming this one number 50!
In the early days, anyone who wanted to become certified by the Institute was required to attend a Weeklong. Now, the Weeklong is still a celebration of our international certification, but it is so much more.
The Weeklong is open to all Focusers who are certified or soon-to-be certified, and to advanced Focusers who have a substantial length and breadth of experience. Coordinators are especially invited to attend. One of the
Focusing Highlights is a series of interactive, online pay-what-you-can classes. Classes are recorded and registrants do not need to attend live.
This Highlight webinar will explore how body and brain come together to generate the felt sense and is intended for anyone with some experience of Focusing who has ever wondered what the ‘felt sense’ really is.
Peter will be offering a slide presentation, leading reflective exercises, and there will also be time to hear from participants.
An online, interactive 4-session course facilitated by Dr. Evelyn Fendler-Lee. Takes place on 4 Tuesdays: August 4, August 11, August 25, and September 1, 2020.
If we understand Focusing as the movement between felt-sensing and symbolization, it can be the motor of our creative thinking processes.
In “Thinking Beyond Patterns: Body, Language and Situations”, Gendlin demonstrates thought-ways of how to think in a way that exceeds existing concepts, forms or rules.
Following the thought-ways experientially will provide us a practice of how to think with
This 90-minute, interactive, Zoom workshop aims to provide learning about the cause and effects of touch deprivation while offering practical coping skills that start with asking that question: "how am I today in here?"
Sorry, this event is full and registration is closed.
This free online conversation is part of the Focusing Roundtable series designed especially for members of the Institute.
This program will afford members a valuable opportunity to engage in casual peer-to-peer conversation with other members who share Focusing-related interests.
This 8-week online programme provides a solid basis for understanding how to bring the wisdom of your felt sense to your daily experience. We will focus on developing ‘Inner Relational Focusing’, how to listen to ourselves, which is the essential first part of learning Focusing. Before we can bring ourselves into relational depth and be with another with presence we must be able to do so with ourselves. This work is very transformative personally and will aid your relationships with others.
An online, interactive workshop facilitated by Serge Prengel. This offering will be held in meeting format so that all participants will see the presenter and each other.
Focusing is based on a natural ability that we all have, so “learning” Focusing mostly consists of noticing how you are naturally good at it. You will see how a natural understanding of it emerges from practicing and discussing it during the workshop.
Attending in person is encouraged as there will be the opportunity to practice in pairs, though all registrants will receive a recording of the class. Breakout rooms are not recorded.
Focusing Highlights is a series of interactive, online pay-what-you-can classes.
Radical acceptance is key to opening up more fully to Life, and also lies at the heart of Focusing. In this session, Addie will share the practice he has developed of Letting Things Be as a different way of relating to our experience in everyday life.
This webinar will include guided exercises and opportunities for participants to share and ask questions. This class is intended for those who are familiar with Focusing, though all are welcome to attend.