Please note: Listings on this page are either events organized by The International Focusing Institute (TIFI), or are offered independently by Certified Focusing Professionals. Those organized by TIFI will have one of TIFI’s logos.
This free online conversation is Part of the Focusing Roundtable series for TIFI members. Class size is limited. PLEASE NOTE: if you attended the first date of this Roundtable held on August 28, please do not register in order to give others a chance. In this Roundtable, we will explore “the space between”. As Focusers, we know and love this space. It is the space of the pause... the space where we can sense both the relational implicit and the unfolding of our inner process... the space which allows for a transformative process to occur.
Focusing Highlights is a series of interactive, online pay-what-you-can classes.
Dreamwork expert Leslie Ellis will guide participants through an experiential practice in how to locate and embody the life force contained in their dreams. There will be time for questions and discussion, as well as a dreamwork demonstration.
Note: you may register for this class after the first session. As recordings are sent, you will receive recordings to the classes you missed.
In this three-session course, Jan will be speaking in English, and Victoria Stanham will be the English/Spanish translator. Classes will be held in Webinar format, where only the teacher and translator will be seen. Participants will be able to ask questions in Spanish or English, and there will be some time for discussion.
En este curso de tres sesiones, Jan hablará en español y Victoria Stanham será la traductora español/inglés. Las clases se llevarán a cabo en formato de seminario web, donde sólo se verá al profesor y al traductor. Los participantes podrán hacer preguntas en español o inglés, y habrá tiempo para
Dr. Leslie Ellis' new book is for clinicians who want more confidence working with dreams. The book covers the current science and clinical evidence in support of dreamwork. Ellis offers clear steps and clinical examples, many from her practice of focusing-oriented dreamwork, to illustrate simple and effective ways to work with dreams.
This free online conversation is Part of the Focusing Roundtable series for TIFI members. Class size is limited .By coming together in this Roundtable, we hope to begin a rich conversation in which we can learn about the relevant work of academic colleagues in other parts of the world. Gendlin’s philosophical thinking and praxis was born and developed in the academic environment. He received his Ph.D. in philosophy from the University of Chicago and taught there from 1964 to 1995. Over the years faculty members, researchers and philosophers all over the world have found innovative ways to introduce Gendlin’s theory into their courses, research projects, psychological and therapeutic models, and philosophical explorations in academia and beyond.
This is a live interactive experiential course with a small group, where you learn and practice something new about Focusing and Listening every week, gaining immediate benefit.
Thursdays starting 5 September 2019. 12 noon - 3pm UK time.
Los lugares de encuentro afines entre el Focusing y el Método Hakomi. Dos recursos simples y amorosos que profundizan y potencian la integración, el desarrollo personal y la libertad. Related meeting places between Focusing and Hakomi Method. Two simple and loving resources that deepen and enhance integration, personal growth and freedom.
In this cafecitos, Gabriela will share with us how this process works that she has published and currently develops as a creative agency in Chile. It will deep into the real possibility of building a brand that reflects you and/or your business in an authentic way through your Felt Sense. A new concept of branding from the Felt Sense. Creating an image based on the authentic talents and creativity of the Felt Sense.
In this workshop, Akira will guide you to the heart of Focusing, as developed by his mentor, Professor Eugene Gendlin (University of Chicago), the originator of Focusing. Focusing will be unpacked into four pathways for deeply relating to oneself and others. These are experiencing, space, the body and listening.
Melbourne, Australia at the Centre for Existential Practice
Explore the spirit of TAE through playful und meaningful exercises workshops - interacting with words, art, music, texts … and learn how TAE is related to Gendlin’s Philosophy of the Implicit.
In Thinking at the Edge (TAE) we connect to an implicit meaning in observations, sentences, words, experiences … and let our own expressible meanings emerge. Sensing into the “the more” about a topic – a word, a story, a piece of art … can open new and deep insights into the topic and also new insights about our own being in the world.
This free online conversation is Part of the Focusing Roundtable series for TIFI members. Class size is limited .In this Roundtable, we will explore “the space between”. As Focusers, we know and love this space. It is the space of the pause... the space where we can sense both the relational implicit and the unfolding of our inner process... the space which allows for a transformative process to occur.
In this workshop, Akira will guide you to the heart of Focusing, as developed by his mentor, Professor Eugene Gendlin (University of Chicago), the originator of Focusing. Focusing will be unpacked into four pathways for deeply relating to oneself and others. These are experiencing, space, the body and listening.
Sydney, Australia at the Centre for Existential Practice
In this three-session course, taught in Spanish with Spanish/English translation, Edgardo will be teaching about the power of Focusing, including an explanation of the historical journey made by Eugene Gendlin, the creator of the Experiential era. Edgardo will also share about Gendlin’s revolution in Psychotherapy and in 21st century thinking.
En este curso de tres sesiones, Edgardo hablará en español y Victoria Stanham será la traductora español/inglés. Edgardo enseñará sobre el poder del Focusing, incluyendo una explicación del viaje histórico realizado por Eugene Gendlin, el creador de la era experiencial. Edgardo también compartirá sobre la revolución de Gendlin en la psicoterapia y en el pensamiento del siglo XXI.
En este cafecitos, Gabriela nos compartira cómo funciona este proceso que ha publicado y actualmente desarrolla como agencia creativa en Chile. Se profundizará sobre la posibilidad real de construir una marca que te refleje a ti y/o a tu negocio de manera auténtica, a través de tu Sensación Sentida. Un nuevo concepto de branding desde la sensación sentida, crear una imagen en función de los auténticos talentos y la creatividad de la Sensación Sentida.
In this cafecitos, Gabriela will share with us how this process works that she has published and currently develops as a creative agency in Chile. It will deep into the real possibility of building a brand that reflects you and/or your business in an authentic way through your Felt Sense. A new concept of branding from the
Treasure Maps is a six-day retreat for untangling your Tangles and turning your life around – so that what was impossible becomes possible. Led by Barbara McGavin and Ann Weiser Cornell, using step-by-step teaching, demonstrations and partnership exercises, this remarkable workshop has been called "huge, life-changing, transformational, amazing, extraordinary." Requires 25 hours of Focusing partnership training (Level Two, or Path to Lasting Change One)
A Focalização é um processo terapêutico desenvolvido pelo filósofo e terapeuta Eugene Gendlin.
Focalização é um caminho de escuta da própria experiência que inside no corpo. É uma maneira de se conectar com sua inteligência corporal através de sinais enviados por ela.
Gendlin desenvolveu uma maneira de medir até que ponto um indivíduo se refere a dimensão sentida corporalmente de suas experiências; e ele descobriu em uma série de estudos que os clientes de terapia que têm resultados positivos fazem muito mais esse processo.
Ele então desenvolveu uma maneira de ensinar as pessoas a se referirem ao sentido percebido, para que os clientes pudessem se sair melhor em terapia. Este treinamento é chamado de Focalização ou Focusing.
O curso será dado num sítio a cerca de 100 Km de Fortaleza.
This free online conversation is Part of the Focusing Roundtable series for TIFI members. Class size is limited. In this Roundtable we invite you to explore with us what happens when Focusing crosses Coaching and how this crossing might more effectively promote individual or group transformation. This Roundtable will provide the space to dig deep into our curiosity about Focusing and Coaching and sense what might come next.