Please note: Listings on this page are either events organized by The International Focusing Institute (TIFI), or are offered independently by Certified Focusing Professionals. Those organized by TIFI will have one of TIFI’s logos.
Join other Focusing professionals as we practice Focusing. Professional work grows from our personal practice, so let’s continue Focusing. This can also be a unique place for folks to Focus about their professional Focusing work with clients or students and work projects in general.
This a place to land to do paired Focusing partnership, no teaching is offered. Breakout rooms are arranged for each pair. This is a drop-in group, no commitment required. Cost: free, no cost.
Private to Focusing Professionals - TIFI Certified Focusing Professionals and trainees, trained by any coordinator, includes all types of Focusing Professionals (FOT, Focusing Trainer, Focusing Professional).
This group is open to all Focusing students who have Focusing training from any trainer. This is a space for folks to land to practice Focusing and continue to keep it as part of their life. We practice using the skills we already know; no teaching is offered - just pairs for partnership at a reliable time and place. This is a drop-in group, no commitment required.
At some time or another, all of us have been in conflict with someone that we love or that is significant in our lives. Perhaps it was a parent, a child, a partner, a friend, a colleague…whoever it was, something happened, something got in the way of the relationship.
In Social Oriented Focusing ׂׂ(SOFׁ) there is an understanding that the relationship is more important than the conflict, and from this perspective, we can use SOF tools to stop our automatic patterns of reacting and actually manage the conflict.
Our goal here is to return to the essence of Focusing and ourselves as living process. I ask that participants are Focusing weekly with a partner at least one month before class begins and throughout our time together. There is a lot of reading, often more than you might choose to do. We touch on a variety of approaches to learn and practice Focusing. We begin and end remembering that always that which has learned Focusing is Partiality, not Presence. My Part 4 is a great place to return to whenever you would like to go deeper with your process from wherever it is. Requires Part 3 or equivalent experience.
Meets eight times on Sundays, 2 – 4 pm New York time.
ALL are welcome to attend -- whether you are an experienced Focuser or are brand new and would like to experience a new way to listen and be with yourself.
These 90-minute interactive Zoom-based gatherings are designed to create an atmosphere of safety and mutual respect for both experienced and less-experienced Focusers.
And - there's NO FEE to attend.
Zwischen den Focusing-Wochen im Sommer bietet diese Gruppe Gelegenheit für alle deutschsprachigen Focuser, sich zu begegnen und gemeinsam Focusing zu leben und zu üben. Willkommen sind bekannte wie neue Gesichter. Die Sitzungen werden von Trainerinnen und Trainer aus dem Netzwerk angeleitet.
This course guides you into embodied experiences from which you can develop proactive mindfulness. You get a sense of how to be less reactive and more responsive, and how to seek and benefit from corrective experiences. In other words, the goal is for you to get to know yourself better and to stretch the limits of who you think you are.
This is a self-study course, followed by a Live Q&A on Zoom at the end of the 8 weeks. Self-study is at your own place on your own time.
This online entry level Focusing skills class prepares you to begin a Focusing partnership. Utilizing Inner Relationship Focusing and Neuroscience based exercises spread out over a few months, this is a great opportunity to ground yourself in the basics of Self-in-Presence as a way of being that creates space for lasting change. You are encouraged to practice both in partnerships and with brief pauses during your day.
For coaches, bodyworkers, therapists, teachers and anyone interested in improving their inner and outer relational skills. Part 1 meets six times for two hours, usually every other week. This class can be your first step toward professional certification by completing Parts 1-4, then entering the ongoing Learning Community for Mastery in Guiding Change.
This Program is designed specifically for therapists and counselors who want to enrich and take their work with clients a step further with Focusing and get their FOT Certification from TIFI. Other people who work with clients in different ways and want to enhance their work are also welcome to attend. (Even though they would not apply for FOT Certification)
It is an ongoing course of 1 1/2 hours every other week, on Tuesdays, that can be taken independently or as part of the whole Certification Program.
An 8 session experiential exploration of the territory of “NO” from the inside out. We’ll use multiple experiential activities to discover and listen to our inner “no” from varied vantage points. We'll listen to our responses to images and to publicly available audio and video recordings of individuals, interactions and environments in order to see in an un-pressured way, how our own felt sense responds to different experiences.
Although it is not a class in boundaries, by learning to connect more deeply with our inner compass, and learning to listen to our response to circumstances, people and environments, over time we will naturally be better able to hear our own “no” and choose when and how to express it.
We explore and practice the basic ideas of Focusing: felt sensing, embodied experience, active listening, the six steps, and the concept of "parts" (which helps us hold attention on unclear or uncomfortable aspects of our experiencing
PART 2 is about deepening into the Focusing and Listening process by looking more at the role of the Companion. A companion to ourselves as well as others. I introduce neuroscience here. We develop further our personal concept of creating an inner space that welcomes it all and adapting that space as we follow our process. Requires some previous partnership experience.
- Feel stuck in a difficult life situation?
- Suffer, but can't connect to the aching place inside?
- Or feel your life could be richer in ways you can't yet quite articulate?
And do you want to find your own way forward, one that feels good and that comes from you? Inner Relationship Focusing teaches us how to attend to our inner experience in ways that feel deeply satisfying and brings change.
Este Programa está diseñado para terapeutas y profesionales de otras áreas de ayuda que quieren enriquecer y llevar su trabajo con consultantes un paso más allá con Focusing. Aquellos que califican pueden también hacer toda la Formación para obtener su Certificación FOT de TIFI.
Es un curso continuo de 1 1/2 horas cada dos semanas, los jueves, que puede ser tomado independientemente o como parte de todo el Programa de Certificación.
You are invited to join Harriet Teeuw, René Veugelers and Luiza Stefan for a 3 hours online ’Seriously Playful’ introductory workshop in Experiential Listening & Focusing skills, Non-Verbal Communication, Creativity & Therapeutic Art Making, Inner Child Contact and Deepening Bodily Awareness. The workshop will be in English.
Join other Focusing professionals as we practice Focusing. Professional work grows from our personal practice, so let’s continue Focusing. This can also be a unique place for folks to Focus about their professional Focusing work with clients or students and work projects in general.
This a place to land to do paired Focusing partnership, no teaching is offered. Breakout rooms are arranged for each pair. This is a drop-in group, no commitment required. Cost: free, no cost.
Private to Focusing Professionals - TIFI Certified Focusing Professionals and trainees, trained by any coordinator, includes all types of Focusing Professionals (FOT, Focusing Trainer, Focusing Professional).