Your Hosts
Where & When
We will be utilizing a program called Zoom. You will need to download it onto your computer or smartphone to join us via video. Once you are registered, I will send you a link that we will use for all of the class sessions. You’ll be in a conference space with myself as teacher, an assistant, and a group of friendly fellow learners from all over the world. With video, we will be able to see each other. We will use breakout rooms for our paired exercise during class.
Video Web seminars work amazingly well. Hope to see you here!
In this Introduction to Focusing, you will learn a practical step-by-step process that moves you toward your well-being with any life issue, on your own & in partnership, now & in the future. Focusing includes a variety of relational mindfulness skills. We begin here with the ground upon which all the other skills more easily grow from. We learn here to exercise our Self-in-Presence muscle. This class provides you with a structure to practice this way of being.
Self-in-Presence is a space of radical acceptance you learn to create where change can safely emerge. If you have heard the phrase, ‘neurons that fire together, wire together’, this gives you another feel for what we are practicing here. This is ultimate self-care supported by the structure of this class. You will learn to let go of some of the ways of relating that Western Society has encouraged for a more authentic satisfying sense of being in this world. You will get better at creating a sense of safety within yourself despite the chaos of the world around us. And you will come to understand more deeply and clearly how your brain and body do what they do for you and why they sometimes don’t do something for you.
Our motto in this class is Empowered Focuser, Relaxed Companion. The Focuser is always in charge of their inner process. We unlearn western cultural habits of fixing and setting others straight and how to be what is most needed as a listener. Time spent Focusing with a partner actively rewires our neurons so that our brain/bodies can more effectively function at their highest potential for us. Because these Presencing skills are not prevalent in our society in general, most of us crave simple radical acceptance. We are good enough.
If you are ready to empower yourself in these relational ways (and so much more!), then I invite you to bring the magic of Focusing into your life! Focusing practice between sessions with others in the class is highly recommended.
Class sizes are limited to 8. Please register early if the dates/times work well for you. Contact me at or 540-552-0203 to register. OR you can visit my website and sign up there.
6 Sundays – Starting October 18
1-3 pm EDT, 12-2 pm CDT, 11am-1 pm MDT, 10am-12 pm PDT
Oct 18, Oct 25, Nov 8, Nov 22, Dec 6, Dec 20
Prerequisite: Guided Focusing Session
Course fee $150 ($110 to repeat)
Register By: Oct 9
**Note Daylight savings time changes Nov 1 for me. This class will shift backward 1 hour for the last four classes. If you are not on the same time shift, take this into account.
Prerequisite: a Guided Session with a certified Focusing Professional, preferably within the previous year. My First-time Guided Session Fee is $75.
This class is essentially Inner Relationship Focusing with some neuroscience and embodiment additions. The skill set we work with in Level 1 includes:
- Creating a space within that welcomes a fresh ‘felt sense’
- The various ways our body might communicate with us beyond words
- Forming relationships with what comes up
- Staying with them
- Sensing when they change
- Sensing what fits and doesn’t
- Being with one body sense even as you’re sensing something new arising
- Enjoying positive feelings
There will be lectures, demonstrations, question periods, group exercises and paired exercises. You will be paired to practice a Focusing exercise with another participant or a class assistant each class session. There will also be an additional paired homework exercise between sessions that will take approximately 45 min. This additional exercise is usually done over the phone or videoconference. Please plan to attend all sessions for the full time of the meeting. Missing one class is still easy to keep up with us. If you miss more than one class, we'll talk about ways to make it up or it may be best to repeat the level.
Contact me at to register.
Registration Information and Price
Payment can be made via Paypal or check mailed to my address once you have a spot in the class.