Your Hosts

Where & When
This workshop is a great way to get started on a daunting issue, situation, dilemma, or project. The issue can be in the area of professional development or personal development, in relation to physical or mental health. It can be a career or work issue. It can be an individual, couple or family situation which concerns you. A Macro is something you have tried to change or to realize... without success.
Lee created this workshop, concept and method almost 30 years ago. The method keeps evolving.
Timely Deep Change
Macroshifting is about solving the riddle of deep change in a timely way. It is about recognizing the significant resources you need to gather and organize for making deep change realistic. It is about making deep change realistic and timely so that all the work required will be justified. It is about finding hope in the midst of challenge.
Macroshifts are hinged to growth in character/integrity. Macroshifting and growth in character/integrity are mutually implying.
Tuition: $530 or 480 Euros
Registration Information and Price
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