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Where & When
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How can we make a change in our unconscious, consciously?
How can we attract the right people and things to us?
How can we take our lives a step further even when the future does not function as safe ground?
A change in the body is a change in the cosmos — it is a change in the Forces attraction of the subconscious.
The body mediates between our awareness and the occurring. In Focusing, When we turn in with an issue or a question, a 'Felt Sense' forms. A 'Felt-sense' is all the external and personal relevant information, that the body crystallize to one concrete feeling that we can relate to directly. When we have all the relevant information, it becomes clear what is the next step in our life.
Focusing is based on the life-works of Carl Rogers and Eugene Gendlin in research in psychology and philosophy.
Topics we will cover on the course:
1. Sensitivity in development - The body as a source for a development of a new sensitivity to the environment in an unexpected constant change.
2. Getting familiar with a new space where a Felt Sense of the whole situation forms.
3. Creating a safe ground for the creation of the next step in our life process.
4.The next step - the step that changes the process of our lives towards what it hinted at.
5. The internal critic and radical acceptance of everything (Ann Weisser Cornell).
6. Deliberate Letting-Go - dealing with barriers of the change.
7. The answer at the end of the book.
The facilitator, Matanel Weissman is a Certified focusing trainer of The International Focusing Institute. A Researcher in the philosophy of Gendlin. Also teaching assistant at the Technion academy in a TAE course, establishes focusing processes at Soroka Hospital and teaches focusing courses in Israel and on Zoom.
Dates and times:
Sundays starting at 11th of October 2020
Last meeting 13th of December 2020
Times: 12:00 PM - 14:30 PM
The Course is for people who are not familiar or have a little familiarity with focusing.
One to one session with Matanel prior to the course is mandatory.
Before the start of the course, we will meet for a personal focus meeting at a cost that will be deducted from the course price if you register.
The Rational of this meeting: The session is designed for you to have a sense of the potential of change of the focusing method for you, before entering the course. Everyone comes to the meeting, it is important, you will have the opportunity to focusing with an experienced Coordinator - so you can know where you will get to independently at the end of the course before starting the course.
For setting the one on one pre-course session with Matanel, please contact Matanel:
For More detailes and questions please contact Matanel:
Registration Information and Price
Regular Price $380. Early bird (till 15 of September) $270.
One to one session with Matanel prior to the course is mandatory. (included in the course price)
For setting the one on one pre-course session with Matanel, please contact Matanel:
For More detailes and questions please contact Matanel: