Your Hosts
Where & When
European Focusers will gather for supper at 7pm on Thursday 13 October, and meet each other informally after supper. On Friday we can have an option for Focusing partnerships and then meet as a whole group in the meeting room. That is when we can plan our time together. Each day there is space for offerings, discussions and workshops, as well as relaxation and social times. Time slots for offerings could be 2 hours; more or less. It’s a gathering, not a conference, and it’s shared and created by those of us who attend. We will finish after lunch on Sunday, at 2pm. You can also arrive a couple of days earlier and leave later if you wish. Informal self-organized meetings are possible for those who arrive earlier.
The theme of our gathering is:
The Art of Relating
“Relationships & Interaffecting”
We invite you to contribute your offerings: workshops, talks, lectures, discussion groups and all offerings are welcome.
Offerings so far include Focusing as an interrelated process: a practice for listening and reflecting from your whole self; relational Focusing constellations; Focusing and NVC; Focusing-oriented Coaching; Belonging Beyond Borders; Focusing with aging; Focusing and Zen; how we use Focusing professionally and/or live a Focusing life; EFA Focusing teachers’ group.
It would be nice, next to having a variety of mini workshops, to start our gathering with all present and end the gathering with all present to summarize and bring together the various perspectives and possibilities that have been shared in workshops. To have a sense of co-creation, and to cross what has been offered at the gathering.
Please let the steering group know what you would like to offer, and we invite you to also post it on the communication platform:
Registration Information and Price
We are having some website issues at this moment, if the link does not work, please email us instead.