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Where & When
Although Gendlin’s Focusing has opened up new vistas for helpers of all kinds around the world, it has often been the techniques they have learned, rather than the philosophical underpinnings of FOT. When we learn the “going inside” skills of Focusing, our sessions are deepened and enlivened, but when we get glimpses of Gendlin’s vision-not only his thoughts, but his radical process way of thinking—our world gets bigger, our sense of reality changes and we are changed.
We will:
sense into these new concepts to find what is alive for us in them and how they can carry us further.
use case examples, videos and embodied thinking experiences to bring the texts alive.
open to and share the meanings that emerge for us both personally and professionally.
explore the implications of these concepts for how we work with our clients.
Registration Information and Price
Please send an email to with the word IMPLICIT in the subject line, along with a payment of $150 via PayPal, to